Cannabis Harvest: 3 Oversimplified Steps for a Successful Season in Oregon

Finally, it’s Cannabis Harvest Season in Oregon! Fall is known for bringing an abundance of falling leaves, pumpkin spice themed drinks and various methods for cooking the perfect Thanksgiving turkey. But it is also growing a reputation to be the most pungent, sticky, and demanding time of the year in the Oregon cannabis industry. All hands are called to the fragrant fields to harvest the cannabis crop, store it appropriately, and cure the buds to perfection. So, what does it take to harvest and process fields of AVO Cannabis in Southern Oregon?

Here are three oversimplified steps to processing this year’s cannabis crop:

1. Harvest

2019 AVO Cannabis Crop ready for harvest in Southern Oregon
AVO cannabis crop in Southern Oregon
AVO Employees harvesting cannabis plants in Southern Oregon
Employees harvesting cannabis plants in Southern Oregon
CEO Jeremy Pratt demonstrating how to cut the cannabis plant
Demonstrating how to cut a cannabis plant for harvest

The first step is to harvest the flower of the cannabis plant by hand. You will then need to cut the plant’s branches into one to two-foot sticks.

2. Dry

AVO Cannabis harvest crop hanging to dry
AVO Cannabis harvest hanging to dry in the Oregon sunshine
AVO Cannabis harvest hanging to dry
Freshly harvested cannabis plants
AVO Cannabis flowers
Cannabis plant flowers

The next step is to hang the cannabis plant’s branches at least one foot off of the ground. The ideal drying climate for your cannabis crop is 70 degrees Fahrenheit with 50 percent humidity, and absolutely no exposure to light. When the stems of your harvested plants start to snap when bent, that is a sign the drying process is complete.

3. Cure

Two AVO cannabis strains curing
2019 AVO cannabis strains curing
AVO cannabis harvest with Metrc tag ready for transportation
AVO cannabis crop ready for transport
AVO cannabis curing in storage containers
Large scale cannabis curing containers

Curing is the final step to properly preparing your cannabis harvest for smoking. In a home-grow, you can use glass jars for curing your freshly dried crop. Store your curing jars in a cool, dark place with a consistent temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, don’t forget to burb your buds periodically to keep them curing properly. This curing process takes about four weeks and should not be rushed!

That’s all there is to it — just three “easy” steps to a successful Cannabis Harvest Season in Oregon!

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