“The tragic death of George Floyd has triggered a lot of emotions. First just horrified that this could happen, saddened that it continues to happen on a regular basis and angry that nothing changes. Police are just too violent, they routinely overuse force. They do this all day long everyday.
This overuse of violence causes terrible outcomes. I started to ask what could Nectar do to move the needle even if just slightly. We are going to donate 100% of sales of all 17 Nectar locations on June 10th, 2020 to Campaign Zero. We will donate these funds in the name of George Floyd. His tragic death and the deaths of many before him need justice. We must end this police violence now.”
~Jeremy Pratt, Nectar Markets LLC, CEO

These generous vendors support this cause and are donating products sold at all Nectar dispensaries on June 10th.
Thank you Grön, WYLD, Tasty’s, OM Extracts, The CO2 Company, Botanical Labs, Higher Cultures, The Heights Co, East Fork Cultivars, Alibi, Siskiyou Sungrown, Oregrown, Peak Extracts, Hush, Fr33dom Farms, Willamette Valley Alchemy, Deep Creek Gardens, Mojave, Sugarbud, and Buddies!

Learn more about how you can help by following the links below:
Campaign Zero

CampaignZeroPolicing PoliceUseofForceReport-1Help End Police Violence
“Funds donated to Campaign Zero support the analysis of policing practices across the country, research to identify effective solutions to end police violence, technical assistance to organizers leading police accountability campaigns and the development of model legislation and advocacy to end police violence nationwide.“